SEOUL: President Yoon Suk Yeol on Monday said 2,000 is the minimum necessary increase in medical school admissions, ruling out any adjustment despite a prolonged walkout by junior doctors.
Yoon made the remark during an address to the nation as the s…
MANILA: The creation of a National Maritime Council (NMC) will allow the executive branch to make well-informed decisions in a timely manner to soothe the anxieties of the merchant marine industry arising from the country’s dispute with China.
In an …
DARAGA: Dubbed the “second largest consumer of coffee in Asia,” the Philippines, without a doubt, is a country of coffee aficionados.
Whether it is an instant pick-me-up in the morning, a quick afternoon brew to break the monotony, or an after-dinner…
CEBU CITY: The government continues to win against insurgency in the Visayas this year, with 44 armed encounters leading to the death of 20 New People’s Army (NPA) rebels as of March 31.
There were also 27 fighters who surrendered and four who were a…
MANILA: The Philippine Navy (PN) on Monday reported that one of its multi-purpose attack craft (MPAC) intercepted a motorized banca containing undocumented cigarettes with an estimated value of PHP21.4 million, while patrolling the waters of Batulaki,…
STA. CRUZ: The provincial government here is collaborating with the Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (BFAR) and municipal authorities to substantially increase aquaculture production to partially compensate for a projected decline in farm out…