86% of Ilocos establishments compliant with labor laws: DOLE

MALASIQUI, Pangasinan: The Department of Labor and Employment in the Ilocos Region (DOLE-1) reported that 2,173 or 86.71 percent of the 2,506 establishments in the area are compliant with the general labor standards.

In an interview on Thursday, DOLE-1 information officer Justin Marbella said some 475 establishments were inspected in Ilocos Norte, 609 in Ilocos Sur, 538 in La Union, 280 in western Pangasinan, 322 in central Pangasinan and 282 in eastern Pangasinan.

“Most of the establishments inspected were micro with one to nine workers, small with 10-99 workers, medium with 100-199 workers, and large with 200 and above workers,” he said.

Marbella said the 2022 Labor Inspection results showed that the employers' top non-compliance areas are overtime pay, holiday pay and basic wage pay for general labor standards (GLS) and the absence of first aider, safety officer and occupational safety and health (OSH) program.

“Establishments are GLS-compliant when they are proven to observe minimum wage rates, social coverages such as contributions to Social Security System (SSS), Philippine Health Insurance, and Pag-IBIG Fund and other statutory monetary benefits,” he said.

The Ilocos Region recorded a 71.91 percent compliance rate in OSH in 2022, he added.

In a statement, DOLE-1 director Exequiel Ronie Guzman said these numbers are reflective of the generally healthy labor environment in the region.

“This shows that even when businesses and enterprises are still recovering from the economic impacts of the pandemic, employers are still mindful of their obligations to their workers,” he said.

He added that despite the high percentage of compliance, DOLE will still implement efforts to ensure more establishments are compliant with OSH.

“The DOLE-1 shall prioritize inspecting medium and large establishments. He has also initiated talks with social partners, such as the SSS, to ensure the sustainability of compliances,” he said.

In February, inspectors will take part in the National Labor Inspection Summit, where amendments in the inspection guidelines are anticipated to be discussed.

Source: Philippines News Agency